
Showing posts from June, 2011


Kenapa aku ni jahat sangat Buat something tak pernah nak beringat Tak sedar kot kiri kanan ada malaikat Bukan baik je,salah pun dicatat Kenapa aku ni jahat gila Kata mak buat tak dengar je Kalau kawan semua diikutnya Sekarang ni syurga tu bawah kaki siapa? Kenapalah aku ni jahat Rasa bersalah tapi still nak buat Dah puas ikut nafsu tau pulak nak bertaubat Macam mana nanti kalau tak sempat? Ish jahatnya lah aku Tak pernah berubah dari dahulu Sekaranglah berubah apa ditunggu Nafas di kerongkong baru kau tau Aku ni jahatkan,kan? Sudah-sudahlah melawan Tuhan Tinggalkanlah yang bukan-bukan Sunnah Nabi tu cuba amalkan Dulu aku tak jahat macam ni Cuba kau ingat masa kau kecik Hati kau bersih, jiwa kau murni Cubalah ya, you can do it!

Friend Phone Facebook

Dear friend, It's been a long time since we met, We promised each other we'll never forget but lonely is all I ever get, Since the last time that we met. Dear friend The day that we last met, We were so damn scared, that we'll lose one another, that this would be forever, But then we got each others phone numbers, I called you, you called me, we talked for hours, it was so relieving to mock and joke again, then phone stops ringing, all i hear is silence. Then, ah the invention of Facebook, Your name on the white blue page got me so hooked, I moved the pointer to the "Add as friend" button, I clicked and waited, the screen I can't abandon My heart stopped and fluttered of overjoy, When the chatbox popped and you say "Hoi!" But you know how life and it's cycles so mean, we both got busy and never turn on the screen! So, now I'm between strangers in a crowded train, Scrolling down my phonebook when I saw your name, Hesitate,dialing,waiting you p...


Sometime in life, we did mistakes. Mistakes that then we would regret. But somehow, in some weird way. We forget that we ever regret it. Then we do it again. And regret it. and do it again. I'm no better than a talking parrot. Talked and talked as if I'm happy, but long for the cage to be opened


The difference between men and women... Men: No matter how ugly they are, a woman will find the ugliness a beautiful thing. Women: No matter how ugly they are, all men can find one beautiful thing about them. Don't you think?


sometime i just want to write a words or two because we human never listen some of us do try without knowing they will fail so i just want to write short not that anybody would care not that anybody would read i'm just another scribble carved by a stick on the sand waiting to be washed by unforgiving tide