
1. Right now I feel the need to write something, although I'm not quite sure what to write. Okay,actually  I just did the number one Don't: "If you don't know what to write, don't say you don't know what to write."

2. Stephen King, said he set a quota of writing 2000 words a day. This is like me catching him up, but, haha, who am I kidding.

3. Having my name on the cover of a novel might be the most impossible dream I can never reached. I'll save it in my bucket list though, who knows I can fulfill it later, say in Heaven?

4.People say Heaven is a place where your wishes granted. It's like genie on steroid, no more three-wishes-only rule.

5. Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed that I wrote point No.4, because it's clear as day that I'm struggling with vocabulary and witty idea there. Ughh.

6. Why oh why I'm always like this? I mean why do I always doubt myself, that everything that I do will never be good. It's okay to be critical, but to the point of killing my own interest; why? Why did I write point No.5?

7. So I just got a message, from my dear friend,at this very moment I'm writing this very sentence asking to join,to go to Port Dickson at this very moment, and I just said yes, OMG is this real, or is this some kind of trick? Is this some kind of prank, hidden camera kind of thing? Is my webcam is turned on accidentally and somehow my friend have hidden CIA-level hacking talent that he hacked into my webcam and laughing furiously at the other end of the line of how ridiculous my facial expression is right now.

8. Really didn't see that coming, wow. So now eight-points ramblings is already a long ramblings. So yeah, I don't know if Port Dickson will happen or not, ha ha, this surprise is pleasant enough already. I'm going to end this now :)


依之汉 said…
Couldn't agree with you more. Just then I remembered what Leo Babauta wrote about this kind of disease on his blog http://zenhabits.net/do/

"Learn by doing. Don’t learn by reading. Of course, a little reading is helpful, but if you read, just read a little, then do. Don’t learn by talking. We talk too much already. Start doing, and if you’re going to talk, talk while doing."

Every time I felt moody to write, I will read the article again and again. It just how we, the imperfect writers try our best to beat the 'perfect' writers.
Najakia said…
Ah that http://zenhabits.net/do/ article really is so true, so zen haha. I've bookmarked it for future (and most probably more than once) reference
依之汉 said…
Yup. He tells us that, we are human after all. No perfect but we can become perfect by try and error in life.




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