
I love my anak buah, but they're LOUD.
I love my internship, but it's tiring.
I love my laptop, but it's - old.
I love my phone, but it's not a smartphone.
I love my sisters, but they're crazy.
I love my lil sis, but she's gone.
I love my parents, but they're- dramatic.
I love my childhood, but it's bitter.
I love my neighbourhood, but it's a FELDA.
I love my fashion-taste, but my wallet don't.
I love my friends, but do they?
I love my confidence, but I'm a coward.
I love Korean dramas, but the girls love them too much.
I love Inception, but the girls can't understand it.
I love Gaga, but she's too weird.
I love Glee, but it's too liberal.
I love Britney, but she's wasted.
I love Ricky Martin, but he wore silver leggings.
I love Harry Potter, but not the ending.
I love the Oprah Show, but it's over.
I love the Oprah Show, but nu-uh Dr Oz.
I love Sheldon Cooper, but not you Amy Farrah Fowler.
I love to write, but mostly crap,
I love to help, but it's conditional.
I love McD, but it's Israel's.
I love that I'm not fat, but I'm skinny,
I love photography, but I have no camera.
I love arts, but I got no talent.
I love arts, but I need a career.
I love fine-dining, but can I afford it?
I love reality shows, but not you Snooky.
I love to go green, but not people around me.
I love to go green, but do you know how much Prius costs?
I love Sailormoon, but it's girl's anime.
I love son-Goku, but he resurrects everytime he loses.
I love floral-prints, but can I pull it off?
I love being healthy, but I know no sport.
I love to inspire, but I'm uninspired.
I love being friendly, but to start now is awkward.
I love books, but they cost more than a movie ticket.
I love good people, but too afraid to be one.
I love you reading up to this, but now you're annoyed.

I love Adele.


Bedaduz said…
Maybe u just lack self confidence. itu je sebenarnya. hahaha.
Najakia said…
lack of self confidence? setuju...tapi lack itu je?x kot hahaha =p
napeace said…
wahh banyak yang sama!
Anonymous said…
I love my neighbourhood, but it's a FELDA.

What's wrong with FELDA? Aren't you proud being a part of it?
Najakia said…
napeace:haha..dr 1st time jumpa blog ko lg aku rasa gitu lah..u r like a twin brother i never had =p

mr/mrs anon:mcm rendang, we love it,but it will never taste like chocolate cake..."but" di sini bukan lah "i hate" hehe.poyonya explanation
napeace said…
LOL that was exactly the same thing aku nak cakap. Tapi malu.Haha

Hai twin brother! Haha(lagi)
Najakia said…
hai! gahaha napis.ko jgn nak wat jejak kasih ea haha~ anyway klw aku nak ginjal ke,hati ke aku cari ko dulu hehe



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