Off The Grid
1. I've been thinking of going off the grid so many times. And every single time I set my heart to do so I found out that I just can't stop socializing. 2. Things like Myspace, Friendster, Yahoo! Messenger, Facebook and Twitter etc. always intrigued me. Being a selectively outgoing introvert (I'm just making things up here), cyber space suits me well to keep being the timid me around public and the mulut longkang amongst close friends. 3.Although as you can see those things die out eventually. Like who pakai Friendster anymore? When was the last time you post something on Facebook? Myspace lagilah, tak sempat nak set up account dead already. And YM (oh those days!) is basically replaced by Skype,FB chat, Whatsapp, Line, Kakao Talk and whatever lah that I don't bother to keep up anymore. Ahh the attempt to revive Friendster 3.But my point here is (finally) I envy those who can restrain themselves to only use those things exactly like they should. More o...