Books and Coaches

Were you the one I saw waiting at the bus stop?

Or the one I caught looking while I shop?

Or were you the glimpse I saw disappearing behind the wall?

Was that your number in all those strange missed calls?

Was that your eyes I saw between books and novels

When I go through those library’s bookshelves?

Were you the one who said sorry to me

For cutting the line because you need to hurry?

Were you the one in that late night train?

One that was wet of the relentless rain

Could you be the one I saw in the crowd crying?

One that held a crumpled paper with hands shaking

I know we’ll meet someday,

Be it a rainy night or a sunny day,

I know we’ll meet somewhere,

Be it the final train or the next book fair.

I don’t who, when, where

But this I’m sure: I’ll be there.

p/s: Sorry sebab banyak posts seemed to be too personal lately.... Well, I'm back!


Anonymous said…
hope dpt menulis sebaik kamu....
Najakia said…
owh tunggang langgang lagi sebenarnya saya menulis cik nony...

"...or are you the one who leave anonymous messages on my blog posts?" lol~
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
eh,sy gelak sbb ayat bwh tu..bukan ayat atas ye...
Najakia said…
Haha paham la.well btw,is there a reason u choose to be anonymous?its quite tiring senanye nak taip anonymous lol~
Anonymous said…
nothing...juz dat i'm d silent reader...hehe

-cik nony-




Siapa Saya Sebenarnya