Double Hypocrisy

Really, I'm perfectly fine when people have two or three different personalities. Some people would say that's hypocrite.So what? But 2 / 3 personaliti? Macam mana tu???

Ok contoh:

Datuk T bila dengan kawan-kawan serumah dia bukan main bising lagi. Gelak berdekah-dekah. Melawak sakan. Itu personaliti 1 - dengan kawan-kawan.

Tapi bila dalam kelas, Datuk T senyap je. Nampak innocent je. Lecturer tanya soalan pun bukan main payah nak bukak suara (ok thats not really innocent eh? hoho). Girls langsung tak tau yang Datuk T ni pak lawak/mamat kepoh. Itu personaliti 2 - dengan girls.

Datuk T bila jumpa orang baru, jangan haraplah nak dengar dia tegur dulu atau senyum. Tapi,once dah kenal, orang sampai malas nak tegur, takut kena sembang dengan Datuk T 2-3 jam tepi jalan. Itu personaliti 3- dengan strangers.

So, this ain't wrong right? If you call this hypocrisy, you seriously have something wrong with your life. Takkan lah nak bersembang tepuk tampar dengan brader kaunter tiket bas macam buat dekat kawan-kawan right? That's way more worse than hypocrisy- it's crazy!

So why do I talk about this right now? It's not because somebody,someone,some random ticket counter guy came at me this morning and shove down my throat," You're hypocrite!"
No. that's not what happened.

What happened was somebody did something that quite similar to this false hypocrisy we discussed: double standard.

This one person when in front of those sweet little girls or a man friend that's quite fofular- he would go:

~owh okay, all right, cute gestures and smiling ear to ear, touchy touchy~~ *puke*

Tapi bila dengan aku:

~ah, apasal plak, ko buat sendiri ah, ko ar, malas ah, don't touch me~~ *cursing*

So, did he being multiple personalities, or being double standard?
Ding3! You're correct! That's totally double standardizing!

Kalau korang pernah kena double standard macam saye, ce angkat tangan macam saye ni *tangan godek-godek*

P/S: The Datuk T mentioned above did not refer to any living creatures.
P/S2: You don't have to go through my schedule today, just to know whether you're the one mentioned above- you are not. Nak terasa jugak, go rot. I don't care. LOL.


napeace said…
Haha "Datuk T" tu macam sebijik dengan personaliti aku.

Oh orang yang kau mention tu.. memang double standard. -__-"
Najakia said…
oh oh oh! hey satu dunia, the coolest blogger eva,napeace komen kat blog aku lah!!! *excited*

LOL napeace! same here. datuk T refers to me too! =p

-actually nak komen kt blog kau,tp nervous.ok gedik -
napeace said…
Heyy mana ada cool! Serabai ada lah. Baru setahun jagung ada blog.Haha

Nak nervous apanyee bukan jawab exam. *ok mmg gedik
Najakia said…
Bila exam tak nervous lah. Dia jadi blurrr...
Aku lagilah setahun jagungnya: nak upload unresized pic pun tak did u do that?
mcm dah out of topic je ni
Bedaduz said…
naja, seriously u need windows livewriter 2011! cepat download! memang puas ati utk bloggers! bole edit pics, bole edit tulisan with ease. the concept is 'ur blog is as what u type in livewriter'. best wooo~~~
Najakia said…
betul ke syed? ko pki tu je ke?




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