
Showing posts from February, 2013


Aku rindu untuk merasa sunyi Aku kepingin merasa sepi Kesunyian fizikal yang membungkam hati Tetapi tidak kejam menikamnya mati Kerana sekuat mana aku memejam mata Kerana serapat mana aku menutup telinga Deria rasaku tanpa izinku Masih juga cuba menangkap bunyi dan warna Selagi aku belum pekak dan buta Pada rangsangan dunia Selagi itulah aku tak mampu Menafsir pesan-Nya Belum lagi.


Aku rasa  Aku teruk Bila cuba Untuk tegur And there's two definition of tegur and I'm bad at both. Tegur type 1: hai-apa-khabar-nama-apa kind of tegur . Tegur type 2: hoi-tak-elok-la-buat-macam-tu kind of tegur . I tried to avoid both but to no avail because to tegur is inevitable. Tegur type 1 is inevitable as a human. Tegur type 2 is inevitable as a muslim.


The odds that people will ask this questions are little to none, but here's my answer script anyway: Q: Sepanjang ko kerja, ada customer yang cerewet tak? A: Ada. More than cerewetpun ada actually. Ce**** Q: Customer Melayu ke Cina yang camtu? A: Dua-dua sama je. Pfffft. Q: Yang paling ce****? A: To date, customer Cina. Q: Kenapa ko rasa camtu? Ko racist eh? A: Tak, sebab customer aku paling rasa nak lempang setakat ni adalah Cina tu. Q: Kalau yang buat camtu Melayu, ko rasa camne pulak? A: Rasa nak lempang la ==' Q: Laki ke perempuan customer tu? A: Ko nak tuduh aku sexist plak ke? Q: Tak la, nak tau, dia laki ke perempuan? A: Perempuan. Q: Biasanya customer yang cerewet (or ce****) selalunya jantina apa? A: Perempuan. Q: Kenapa ko rasa camtu? Ko sexist eh? A: #%$&$&$!!! Q: Sorry sorry, kenapa ko rasa camtu? A: Standard la perempuan nak mencari yang terbaik. Quoting my female, i repeat , female colleague, ...


I don't exactly remember when it started because it was many years ago. It was a time when I believe I can live alone. I was fine by myself. I was fine with having friends I don't really like, or friends that I don't really hate but weren't so much alike. It was a life I wouldn't say fun but I believed livable. I was just, okay. And then you came into my life. At first you were just like some background noise; I can hear you but I can still ignore. You smiled at me, you joked around, you asked me stuff about me. At first I refused to talk about myself, I never found myself interesting. Heck, I even hated myself. So when you ask me one thing about me, I will just give short,boring answer and asked you ten questions back. Was I curious about you or was just I being polite is a question that's becoming harder for me to answer. What was noise now was music to my ears. But you were persistent. You don't give up asking me about myself. I started to open up, I ...