
Aku rasa 
Aku teruk
Bila cuba
Untuk tegur

And there's two definition of tegur
and I'm bad at both.

Tegur type 1: hai-apa-khabar-nama-apa kind of tegur.
Tegur type 2: hoi-tak-elok-la-buat-macam-tu kind of tegur.

I tried to avoid both but to no avail because to tegur is inevitable.
Tegur type 1 is inevitable as a human.
Tegur type 2 is inevitable as a muslim.


依之汉 said…
Saya lebih suka guna perkataan sapa (atau menyapa).

Tidak salah bertegur sapa kerana ia tuntutan agama.


Train to Dabong I

Dream A Little Dream of Me
