
Waktu aku 1st year dulu, aku rasa lecturer yang paling aku minat ialah Lecturer English, Miss Santy (ke Shanty eh? lupa). She's Indian I thing.

Bukan aku minat dia sebab dia perempuan. No.
Bukan sebab aku minat English.
Bukan jugak sebab dia lawa. Boleh la tahan =p

Aku minat dia sebab dia sempoi. Walaupun kelas kena buat waktu malam, kena menapak 400m ++ , but still aku semangat nak pergi. Padahal, English yang dia ajar quite boring actually, bukan macam kat sekolah punya English. Yet, dia sempoi sampai aku suka. She is one of the rare woman with sense of humour, which without having to be manly, which doesn't matter anyway *then why did i type this down?*

One thing I remember most about her must be her signature quote: "Don't take it to your heart." She always said this when she joked, which for some odd reason some people find her jokes offensive. Maybe when she told the jokes, she saw some frowning faces of my classmates. I don't see frowning faces, because I was too busy watching her face =D

Back to her quote, don't take it to your heart. I really love this one, because there's no point of bermuka ketat, serious segala right? Kenapa nak buat dalam tertekan, kalau dalam keadaan enjoy pun boleh jadi, betul tak? betul tak? *gedik

Kadang-kadang aku pun pernah rasa offended, but this quote somehow manage to cool me down. Thanks Miss Santy!

So there's one time I talk about things, and the person I'm talking to felt so offended, I felt offended. Somehow, some really odd ways, the person think I am attacking that one person with my words *bunyik pedang*
I was like, "Whattt?"
Hey, don't take it to your heart, it will just eat your heart dear.

p/s: There wa sanother quote from another lecturer, when I was in matrik. It goes, " Kalau orang tu tak boleh terima kamu melawak dengan dia, orang tu bukan lagi kawan kamu." His mom told him.

Don'ttake it to your heart! =D


Anonymous said…
"Don't take it to your heart"...nice quote!
or in melayu "jangan amik ati ek"
offended first, then concole back later...
"Kalau orang tu tak boleh terima kamu melawak dengan dia, orang tu bukan lagi kawan kamu."- dis is 1st taim dgr camni...pk2 logik betul gak..p as long joke tu x keterlaluan la kot..if menyentuh isu2 sensitif or peribadi, nobody can't accept it then..hehe
Najakia said…
haha.sume quotes dari cikgu lah...yeah.there's a thin line between a bad joke dgn making fun of others...too thin,rasanya sume orang pernah ter-cross the line.oke sgt manglish komen ini
Anonymous said…
haha...agree...so must alwiz reflect ourselves..afraid dat we might hurt others unintentionally...
manglish is ok wat...haha...cube mnjadi mat saleh but in d same time masih mengekalkan ciri2 kemelayuan gak..atau dgn erti kata lain, "sy tetap anak Malaysia",hahaha..
Najakia said…
alah,nampak ke Melayunya.ingatkan selama ni orang assume orang puteh pandai ckp bm hoohhhhoho




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