
I moved out to somewhere closer to my workplace. So Emak and my sisters came to visit my house. I think my house is pretty decent, and it can be awesome if you really look at it with an open mind.

The rent is considerably cheap since it's in Shah Alam. That includes air and api. Plus there's fridge, stove and washing machine. On top of that there's a flat HD TV with Astro Beyond for some astronomical high definition goodness (pun intended). There's internet too, although it would be awesome to have Unifi I have no complaint using the current continental-drift-slow Streamyx. Really, what more could I ask for?

But obviously, Emak has a lot more to ask for.

And this opinion of hers resonates with of my sis'. One step into the house, my sis said this house screams BUJANG. Well, in my defense I am. So there's that. Retrospectively, that's probably the first thing that crosses my mind too when I first stepped through the door.

And then there's this talk about natural “air flow”. Yeah, I pay my rent exactly for that. Airrrrr flowwwww. Come on. RM250 per month kot. I have one friend who pays RM200 per head per month per room he share with three other. Yup, that's four people in one room. Not a house, a room. Good luck getting the 'natural air flow' there. Even if you cannot find any natural air flow, you might be lucky getting some 'natural gas flow', if you count that as being lucky lah.

And then they commented on something about the sweet aroma of my house. About the musky smell of real men, real sweat, the odour of toughness from armpits so bushy that just won't quit. The fermented scent of manliness that seeps through every cracks and crevices of the house, signalling date-ability to every girl(s) next door living next door. So masculine that it resembles pheromone, it's like a calling to all the Jennys from the block. This house is like a laboratory of Axe deodorant only it requires no twist at the top, and lasts forever too not just mere 8 hours. An aroma so maleficently male, malevolently men, maliciously macho it send jolts of electricity to females olfactory sensory. I can't quite find a word that can describe the aroma, but according to my family it's universally known as... kepam.

There's more comments after that but eventually my family left, we go our separate ways with opinions on the house unresolved.

So the last time I met my sis, she told me that right after she left that day, her 5-years-old son asked her something.

"Ummi, kenapa Pak Su tak ikut? Tu rumah dia ke rumah kawan dia?"

"Tu rumah Pak Su lah..."

"Ye ke...Kesiannya. Rumahnya... buruk sangat."



Anonymous said…
funny on how u described the aroma. At the end it just... kepam lol.
Najakia said…
At least one person get my weird sense of humor. tq. now I can sleep peacefully :P
DR^Mi_ja_ja said…
Which part of s.alm ko duduk! hahaha..mcm teruk sgt je keadaanye..haha,,leh aku jumpe kauu!
DR^Mi_ja_ja said…
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