
Kalaulah aku cepat sikit je, taklah kena tinggal dek bas W** 4893... Yes, I even can read the nombor pendaftaran of that bus. I was that close of catching and getting into the bus.

Begini ceritanya; Aku set alarm phone untuk berbunyi pukul 3:45 petang supaya aku sempat bersiap beg dan naik bas ke Shah Alam pukul 4:30 petang.

Took an evening nap.
Few sweet dreams.
Woke up.
Look at the time.
"Crap, it's 4:43 petang!"

Reached my phone, frantically called my friend for help. They went freaked out [more than I did]...Few nervous laughs, then I heard another friend's voice at the background, "Aku hantar, aku hantar..."
And it's raining outside [now that's why I overslept! ]

Grabbed any grab-able clothes, shoved them hard into a bag-pack and made my way to the door. Urgh! the computer! Masuk balik, tutup main switch. There's no time for proper shut down. Damaging the CPU and whatnot, who cares...

Got on the motorcycle, he sped like he's the one who need to be on the bus. I was praying for my life the whole time, it's raining for God's sake! [thank you for that Zizan. Terharu kot! Thank you]
Cilok here and there, I said to myself..

I'm not gonna make it in time.
I am so not gonna make it.

Arrived at the ticket counter (after waiting in line for two minutes), with no hope at all I asked,

"Kak, bas ke Klang ni dah jalan belum?"

"Tunggu kat bawah jejantas tu. Eh, awak ni lambat ke??? Cepat pergi!"

Tengok balik kat tiket: 4:45 petang. What the hell? I thought it was 4:30 petang! There's hope! So, gracefully I walked to the jejantas 50m away (selipar dah haus gila,kang lari,jatuh, malu). Gracefully.

Then, there it was, the bus, already giving a signal to enter the highway, and it was a stone's throw away. Aku pun tanpa menghirau malu, melambai macam orang gila dekat bas tu. You can already guess the rest of the story: It didn't stop. It took off like I wasn't even there. People set their eyes on me, a pity look maybe. Segannyewwwww... And the rain added some extra drama to it. Wet, embarrassed and dissapointed- it can't get any more depressing.

So, now I'm waiting for 9 malam to come for the next bus. Damn, I can eat for 3 days+ for that wasted money. And looking back, I don't know which part should I regret most:

1- The part where I took a nap

2- The part that I set the alarm at 3:45 pagi. Yes not petang,Pagi. [Demmit who created 12/24 hours system, I'm confused!]

3- the part that I lose hope. Betullah ustaz aku cakap, setiap perkataan tu doa. Kan dah really not make it.

4- the part that I went to the counter first. Nasib baik kakak tu muka jernih.

5- the part that I used a selipar haus. Gracefully Naja. Gracefully.

It's 7:54 malam now. Yes, I've double-checked.Malam. Aku kena alert dan sekarang aku ada masa untuk kemas beg properly.

And you don't have to remind me, I know:


p/s: Thanks to all my friends who had been so concern. walaupun gagal misi mengejar bas, still, THANK YOU.


Bedaduz said…
My God! love this one! with entries like this, i do wonder y didn't u update ur blog? u're hilarious naja! even better than me in ur writing style! just LOOOOOVVVE this one! write more craps like this will ya? it does make me laugh! hahahaha!!
ceqJAY said…
woo.da lame x read ko punye blog or ko mmg x hupdate?muahaha.
the best part ko melambai but people gave u poor looks ! oh sweet oke !
Najakia said…
oke ke aku tulis panjang2.neves tulis pjg2.huhu! i'll write more like this smpi muntah korg baca..huhu
Anonymous said…
beautifully written..feel like watching korean drama..haha




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