
I'm like a kid around you

Get too excited to just about everything

I asked for unconditional love relentlessly

As if love is a lollipop in a candy store

I trusted you with all my heart

As if you are my favorite superhero

I went naughty throwing tantrums

When you're too busy and ignored me

I hold you so close

Like you're my favorite pillow

I closed the door and eyes so tight

When we argue and caught in a fight

Then I creep slowly back to you

Because forgiveness is so easy than losing you

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


Anonymous said…
This is nice, especially the last sentence, which I totally agree a 100% hehe..
Najakia said…
Malangnya semua ni rekaan saja cik Gagak Itam huhu
Najakia said…
Aku ke? Lol... Tapi ada rumor ckp shakespear tu gay. So thanks but no thanks haha
DR^Mi_ja_ja said…
sangat best weyy!!
Anonymous said…




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