New Moon.New Azam.

I was at the most boring counter,where the number of human coming to pay is eerily similar to the number of my fingers.and toes.
Pen in hand.I started to scribble things empty-mindedly. The past.scribble.present.scribble...And then came the future.
From scribbling,now I'm jotting down my mind. This is serious man! [last ayat credited to my first annoying customer]
So this is my list of things to do in the next 10 years.

1. Take piano lesson. Just love piano.
2. Take Taek Won Do class. HaiyaAaaaaAAa!!!!!!
3. Staying fit.or better yet- Put up some muscle.
  • push-up and sit-up
  • jogging
  • futsal
  • eat well
4. Learn to draw and paint. Professionally.
5.Actively blogging,which I'm trying hard now.
6. Study like never before.
7. Kahwin. Seriously.

I better done this quick,because I'm putting this public.
World....see me achieve all this.But now got some customers to be 'entertained'.

Yes sir? Lubricant? $29.95. Ka-ching! Thank you Sir. Come again.


Najakia said…
u really sounded like shania twain...haha




Siapa Saya Sebenarnya