Sembahyang Itu Susah

Seriously susah....Susah gile nak sembahyang. For a few reasons...

  1. Surau is a Never-neverland. or more accurately Far-far-awayland. Jauh gile,i have to make a complete 'lap' to reach it.The shortcut was cut short. By the authorities. For safety reasons.Huh...?
  2. The time is short. because it was given by a sick employer, very sick in this case. Islamophobic?
  3. The employer is so mean , i had to be interviewed before i can sembahyang. With questions so rude, and rules too kuku besi. examples:
"Berapa kali you nak sembahyang?"
"Berapa lama kamu sembahyang?"
"Tunggu. Takde orang nak ganti kamu...(padahal Maghrib nak abes)"
"Jangan lama sangat ye?"..(padahal bagi sembahyang lambat)
"Mintak kat orang lain." (tiba-tiba takde kuasa,control)
"Kenape tak sembahyang siap-siap sebelum kerja?" (hello? kerja pukul 4,Asar 4 setengah)
Bila untung dunia dikejar-kejar....camni la.kebajikan pekerja lebur cam eskem lambat scan.
Tapi ada gak yang surrender dengan all this crap rules. Or maybe surrendered looooong ago. With or without the rules. Sigh.





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya