
These days I cannot stop listening to Radiohead's Creep. The song just describes me so perfectly, I know the lyrics by heart.
 And the situation now that keeps bugging me...makes me listen to it with my heart churning. Every single time.
Then there's this cover of the song by Vega Choir. You probably have heard it on Social Network (story about Facebook).
That cover is just as powerful, I can cry if I want to.

 Yes I am a creep. I'm a weirdo. To all who hate, you see, I'm a human too.
I wished I was special.
 I longed for a perfect body, a perfect soul.
Like you have.
 But that just will never happen. And I'm sorry for that.
I truly am.

 P/S: Nurul Izzah is a huge fan of Radiohead.Well now you know.





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