
Dear You.

How are you doing? I hope you're doing fine without me. What about chasing your dream that you always told me? I'm hoping that doing fine too. 

Hey you, I'm sorry that I didn't write you any sooner. I've been caught up in busyness. Unlike you, I still cannot find the rhythm and pace of my everyday routines. I'm still the mess that I was before. Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night, screaming on top of my lungs from the same nightmares that I had the night before. Sometimes, the nightmare stops only to be replaced by sad dreams, so sad that I cried in my sleep. I know I cried because when I woke up, the pillow was damped or I had tear lines drawn horizontally on my cheeks. Sometimes I cannot get out of the bed in the morning, because I was still trying to sleep. Because I'm too tired of not sleeping the night before. Don't worry though.

Hey you, in case you want to find me, I'm still working at the the place we first met. Memories huh? We can go to that coffee shop at the corner of the block and talk for hours like we used before. But I guess I have to  pass on the coffee and watch you enjoy it instead because my doctor said caffeine wouldn't help with me trying to sleep. Yes, that same panel doctor we only go for getting MC. And last week, he prescribed me with another kind of sleeping pills because the last two didn't seem to work. You were right when you joked about him, maybe he is a fraud after all. Ha ha.

 Hey You, except for that man you married, all of our friends are still working there, and so do the boss; that sweet old lady. Although, last month she said she's going to cut my salary if she caught me staring again at the computer doing nothing. Doing nothing!? Doing nothing she said!? Maybe she ought to look back at the fact that I was Worker of the Month for three months when you're still here. She may be sweet but she is one very forgetful lady. In my defense, I wasn't really staring at the computer. I accidentally opened a folder where I put our photos. How can looking at photos translated into staring at the computer?

Hey you, you want to hear something funny? Last Thursday, when I was waiting for the bus to go home, I thought I saw you at the other side of the street. I called you and waved my hands but you didn't seem to notice. Ha. You must had been so preoccupied with texting on your phone. I thought you hate texting. But anyway, since you didn't notice, I shouted your name louder and then suddenly I heard screeches of tires and cars honking at me. When I realized what happened, I was on the street with people cursing and screaming at me. When I'm done apologizing, you were already gone. What were you doing here, three hours from your home anyway? Funny eh?

Hey You, I'm afraid that I missed you. I know you don't want to hear this, and I don't want to burden you with it either. But I don't know what else to do. You see, I'm writing this three in the morning, on the eleventh day of sleepless nights. Yes, I don't get any sleep at all for eleven straight nights. It was two nights at first. But the nights between two sleeps becoming longer lately. I'm afraid I'm going senile.

Hey You, I hope you don't take this letter too seriously. I just have to get things out of my chest. That's all. Sorry for taking some of your time to read this crap. 

Until then, goodbye.

Yours Truly,





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya