I love my anak buah, but they're LOUD.
I love my internship, but it's tiring.
I love my laptop, but it's - old.
I love my phone, but it's not a smartphone.
I love my sisters, but they're crazy.
I love my lil sis, but she's gone.
I love my parents, but they're- dramatic.
I love my childhood, but it's bitter.
I love my neighbourhood, but it's a FELDA.
I love my fashion-taste, but my wallet don't.
I love my friends, but do they?
I love my confidence, but I'm a coward.
I love Korean dramas, but the girls love them too much.
I love Inception, but the girls can't understand it.
I love Gaga, but she's too weird.
I love Glee, but it's too liberal.
I love Britney, but she's wasted.
I love Ricky Martin, but he wore silver leggings.
I love Harry Potter, but not the ending.
I love the Oprah Show, but it's over.
I love the Oprah Show, but nu-uh Dr Oz.
I love Sheldon Cooper, but not you Amy Farr...
I'm a munch-the-ice-after-the-iced-tea-is-finished kind of boy. I'm a trivial-facts-giver kind of boy. I'm a loud-on-the-social-network-silent-in-real-life kind of boy. I'm a silent-with-strangers-but-annoyingly-loud-with-friends kind of boy. I'm a plan-introducing-but-get-turned-down-most-of-the-time kind of boy. I'm a yeah-why-not-when-asked-of-doing-something kind of boy. I'm a want-something-but-will-not-tell-what-when-feeling-unhappy kind of boy. I'm a look-out-of-the-window-when-travelling kind of boy. I'm a trying-too-hard-to-make-people-laugh-that-makes-people-do-not-laugh kind of boy. I'm a can-forgive-can't-forget kind of boy. I'm a cry-when-watching-sad-movies-alone kind of boy. Those are just something that I bet you don't really notice about me. That's just my shell. Some superficial facts about me. The surface of me. So if you don't know all those non-secret things about me, chances are you don...
This is a really panjang post...so I bold out some main points to help you. Enjoy/Suffer! Since I know what life is, there’s nothing in it but pain. I cannot do this without help, yet I’m here, by myself. It’s like I’m invisible, no one cares. It’s like I’m invincible, they hurt me everytime. You see, when I choose this path, I choose myself to be alone. And with that, I’m lonely. If I can, I will choose the path the majority took, but there’s only one truth: I can’t . No one would probably understand this, but there’s nothing playful abou t this. I choose this painful path, just because the path you took will probably hurt me more than this. I didn’t choose myself to be different; I’m made different. Every night was the blackest night for me. Everytime I creep into my bed, I can’t help but to think of how lonely the day was. Perhaps you can never understand me,perhaps you would ask, ”how can a person so happy and glee said that he was lonely? How can a person who laugh at the s...