
I feel like an old turtle
I dived too deep into the ocean
I forgot the last time I filled my lungs with air
I'm still too far from the ocean bed I dreamed to reach
And no where near the surface I desperately need to breath
I'm down to the last bit of O2.
I want to breathe out this CO2-filled lungs
But I know the vacuum will sucked in the H2O
Filling every voids with pain
What to do, what to do but to cry 
But crying feels a bit redundant now eh?
What's a few drop of tears to a vast pool of saltwater?

This entry is a joke.
I am a joke.
Ugly skin, flailing flippers, useless shell...
What could be funnier than a sinking upturned turtle, die trying to dream big?

"When you try your best but you don't succeed,When you get what you want but not what you need,When you feel so tired but you can't sleep,Stuck in reverse"





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya