
At the very instance between life and death, I found out that I did not think of God.

Okay, now that I already started an entry with a statement that can excite brouhaha from the likes of Ibrahim Ali and the other malays-only Islamic party (ahem), let me ask you to hold your judgement until I made my point. So, hear me out.

It took a car accident for me to realize that I will not be thinking of God in life-threatening situations, or more accurately I will probably not say His name if I'm going to die a sudden death. Heck, I didn't even think "I'm going to die." Because as amazing as we claimed our human brains to be, they just shut off when dealing things like this. Trillions of synapses and none of them sparked a good reaction, neither that can save my life (pull the handbreak!) or save my afterlife (shout Allahuakbar!).

The accident happened right in front of Mines. A lot of roads diverging and converging there, a lot of cars were on the road, and a lot of cars trying to change lanes: a perfect recipe for disaster. 

A friend of mine was at the steering wheel, I was on the front passanger seat, another one friend behind. We were trying to go left from the right lane of a two-lane road. Yup, keep stirring that pot of disaster now. 

"Tick-tock, tick-tock it went. Like a ticking time-bomb."

In front of us was a Myvi, the car soon to be in the spotlight of this tragedy, literally our car's spotlight. FYI, we did everything correctly beforehand. Instructions given by Waze. I religiously repeat everything Waze instructed. Signal to change lane given correct to sekolah memandu standard. Tick-tock, tick-tock it went. Like a ticking time-bomb. Tick-tock.

 My driver friend turned his head, took a look at the traffic behind. In his perspective he must saw an opening on the lane we should change to. That's when he step on the gas pedal.

But in my perspective,and I'm sure it's true too to my back-seat friend's perspective, it was a start of a nightmare. All I saw was the Myvi with break lights so red like it's screaming come any closer and you're gonna be effed. 

"All I did was shout a barbaric guttural sound ."

Weird thing was we are coming closer, and at a speed that can make my stomach churned, a speed that spells we are effed. That's when my brains gave in. All I did was shout a barbaric guttural sound and then Bamm! we rammed the Myvi's back real hard. Okay that wasn't supposed to sound dirty but you catch my drift.

To an observer, we must looked like a flailing dummy on a crash test sans the black and yellow ears. 
If Perodua really did conduct a test on us then, they would definitely get precious data because in that Myvi were two female Chinese women -- one pregnant-- and two little kids. OMG, right? For a moment nothing happened, no one moved. If someone want to make a movie out of this entry, this is when you put a high pitch noise to the scene, a la post-explosion in war movies.

Within seconds, and I mean seconds, a towing agent arrived like this was all staged, like the Myvi was a part of an elaborate hidden camera show. No Ashton Kutcher appeared obviously. I know it's a radio show but I would be relieved if Fara Fauzana or FBI came and shouted anda terkena panggilan hangit in our face. Back to reality, my driver friend now hated himself. I hated myself for not reacting fast enough, or not reacting at all, heh. 

The Hijap by Naja
For the rest of the story I will leave it to your imagination because this is too long an entry already, or maybe later a part two. If you somehow wound up reading this article because you Googled "eksiden +  serdang + report + balai polis", I'm giving you a favour. Go to Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Serdang (IPD) at Bandar Kinrara straight because that's where you'll wound up anyway. Don't worry, those guys there are good people, helpful and polite.

P/s: Lucky the Chinese family was very baik and forgiving, the pregnant lady was smiling the whole time, no steering lock flew in our face. Maybe I should have a part two. And sebab bila baca balik macam tergantung je. And I sure do talk a lot about cars lately, hmm petanda soh beli ke ni.


Ezwan Amrin said…
what an exciting story... :)
ada byk pengajaran & hikmahnya...




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