Definition/Meaning of Mean, Defined.

Sometimes I feel like stopping having more friends,
because what I do have now,
are already out of hand.

All these will sound mean,
I still love you all my friends,
But lemme define what is mean

I have this one friend who kept changing mood,
I thought I know everything bout this particular friend,
but in fact,
I don't.

Early days of our friendship,
I can say I have finally found
The Best Friend

~sigh it wasn't for long,
till I made a mistake.
Back to be just another ordinary friend if not confidante
and I thought all was forgiven
I thought so,
should my heart grew fond over my forgiven brutal acts,
my everyday life starts to decay,rot
and me~ crippled by day
by you my ex best friend

Okay,best friend no more
I want to be a best friend is what you did not allow,
so I accepted that reluctantly coz i've sinned
but now I don't think you yourself allow it

You kept me in a cage
where I cannot make new friends
and when I'm trying to,
you go senile

The formula is easy my friend,
You hated me = lemme go
but no
You hated me = you don't lemme go
is what you put
in your damn broken calculator

How many time have you go extra jolly with a friend when I'm around?
okay,you made made me jealous.but what do you earn.wake up my friend.
I'm affected but i do not care

How many time have you go vicious when I don't talk to you
because when I do talk to you,you don't want to?

How many time I have to give in and talk to you
because you look so lonely,
You are okay with it today,
and vicious again tomorrow.
believe me,i'm not trying to be your best again
if that what you're so vicious about

How many time have you pretend (oh,I know this very well)
that you hated me,
when i know you watch me from the very corner of your eyes,
whenever i am with another friend.

gimme a break

I hate being an ex best friend
because every minute details of me,
is just another weapon to kill me.

I laughed at exceptional moments,
when i remember what have you told me,
when i apologized to you then.
"Naja, you're such a girl"

Hecks.You're being one.

I am still guilty of that mistake you can't forgive
Broke your heart I think
Don't broke mine,
coz you'll be just as bad as me

was a good friend.
I still believe you are
Stop doing all these
I'm sorry if I'm the one who made you like this
Let us be like you said before
"Just friends."



Norzam Nabilah said…
hello. i dont know u either but
yeah u may copy my style of writing.[padahal tulis cm pe je haha]
permisi granted ;)




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