He is Like a Vampire

Didn't I say so?
The cycle will be complete. Again
I'm having my happy life again.
You know that old story..
going nice n bad,back and forth with my best friend.

But I know this smiles and laughter
Will not last long
Just have to enjoy it right now
Before it turns into thin air in
God knows when

For now
Let me just smile and laugh more
For I give another three days for this to last

Wait and see
When will this vampire friend of mine
Sucking my life

Hate you life-sucking vampire


Najakia said…
cakap dah. xsampai sehari.saja wat aku bengkek...wat ey va.ak x rugi pE p0n.ak akan trus : ) ; D HAHAHA




Siapa Saya Sebenarnya