Love-Hate Cycle

it is always about me
the problems...

i am a problem magnet
sadly i dunno how to demagnetized myself
cuz i am an unpredictable magnet
that changes its pole unpredictably
once i understands the problems from south
i'm changing into north in a snap

i can't go repeating the same thing again and again
it's not like it's the hardest problem ever men encountered
people says problems give you strength,
that if you pass it,you'll be just fine
but in fact this weaken me
i'm weak cuz i know the pattern
i'm weak cuz i know when will it come
i'm weak cuz i know how it will end,and start all over again
and still i can't do nothing to stop it
the cycle
one really sick cycle

and it really scares me when i said i can't do nothing bout it

[and what the heck am i doing posting dis too early in the morning??!!!I'm sick!]





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya