
I still remember the day
It was raining heavily
Yet here we are together
Under the pouring rain
My hand holding yours
Yours holding mine
We held our hands so tightly
That our palms are dry
So tight that I can't breathe
For right now
I need no air more than I need You
With hands clasping
We walked blindly through the rain
Drenched and cold
To a place we don't decide
Because I'm right here at the place I should be
Right here on your side
Now let's run together
Because the rain was about to stop
Let's run under the next gray clouds
Because I need more of You
Because I need more rain to hold your hand
It was raining heavily
Yet here we are together
Under the pouring rain
My hand holding yours
Yours holding mine
We held our hands so tightly
That our palms are dry
So tight that I can't breathe
For right now
I need no air more than I need You
With hands clasping
We walked blindly through the rain
Drenched and cold
To a place we don't decide
Because I'm right here at the place I should be
Right here on your side
Now let's run together
Because the rain was about to stop
Let's run under the next gray clouds
Because I need more of You
Because I need more rain to hold your hand
Author : http://ashoulderon.blogspot.com
Scene : Two people, Rain and Gray Clouds
Soundtrack: Standing in the rain by Jamie Scott and Town