
I love meeting new people.
I love the conversation.
I love knowing them.
I love listening to them.

But more often than once, I met new people that's so awkward to start a conversation with. It's still a conversation, but a lot of timid eyes and strange smiles going.

So far , I can only crack one code of the awkwardness. That is I became really shy in front of kinda high profile and popular people. I see them superior and I'm out of their league. That's one thing I discovered. Weird me eh?

That's one.

But this other one I can't find the reason why. I'm bubbly and all, trying to get the conversation going, but the other person just sorta gave awkward expression? What's up with that?
They still want the conversation to continue (I think), but their facial muscles tweak and turn so weirdly I cannot help but to feel- awkward (please improve your vocab Naja).

So, why?
Do you see me superior?Out of your league? hell to the no lah. I'm not at all popular or anything.
Nak kata hensem sangat sampai diorang segan nak sembang- ni,ni,ni jerawat bersepah.
Nak kata hodoh sangat sampai takut nak sembang- erm... okay, that might be possible...

Please don't be awkward around me. I don't wanna end up talking to a cat for the rest of my life.

P/s: And I did find cats that don't like me. BAD aura I have. kena mandi bunga ni.





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya