
I don't get why girls love Korean drama so much,
I don't get why boys want to be so buff,
I don't get why guys watch football 3am in the morning,
I don't get how girls find so much money to go shopping,
I don't get fishing,
 I certainly don't get F1 racing
I don't get smoking
I don't get modelling
I don't get Tumbler
I don't get Justin Beiber
I don't get cars and engines,
certainly not heavy machines,

But no worries
I don't get myself either

*If any one saw the link to Dream/Inception post; I'm sorry I retracted that post. I'm not sure if it's appropriate for you- or for me. If if you want to read it, just let me know in the comment below. I'll decide whether to re-post then.


Asyikin Azrin said…
girls and korean dramas ?

I'm a girl and I don't get it too.
Najakia said…
noin- satu orang...
ikin (can i call u dat?)- then you're the coolest girl ever =D




Siapa Saya Sebenarnya