
Warning! : This post is not suitable for people who's about to have a meal, is having a meal, or just finished having a meal. Any throwing up and loss of appetite is at your own risk.

When I was a kid, a little kid, I was a bit of a Jambanophobic. Well, a lot actually. I'd leave the door open when I'm doing the business, if you know what I'm saying. So that the confined space and the stories that setan living inside the room won't bother me while I'm finishing up the work to help the world to be more fertile. Oh, my business sure do have everything to do with baja. 

Ah, I can see you already judging the decision I made to leave the door open. FYI, my jamban a.k.a the office was so creepy, it's the kind that's separated from the main house. Dark and surrounded by trees. Made from wood entirely , the door creaked when you try to open it. It gave me goosebumps just by imagining it. Really, I'm sweating right now.

When I do the business, I do it seriously. And this busy lil kid thusly need a secretary waiting at the door, none other than his Mak, to , you know, kemaskini fail maybe and stuff. Business stuff. But most of the time like all secretaries, Mak don't care what nasty business her lil boss did. She'd do the normal secretaries stuff, like looking at her nails or termenung. But if she's too busy, she will boss around interns to do the job. And by intern it means my Adik (God bless her, ameen).

But being my own boss didn't mean I can lay back and enjoy the fortune. No. I was a workaholic believe it or not. Sometime, I have to  answer calls (read: nature calls) even when it's Maghrib or 2 in the morning. Oh, I hate to answer calls at Maghrib,because you can literally feel setan's hair sweeps your back while they fill up the 'office' when they hear the azan.

But now that I'm all grown up and all that hantu setan stories can  give me are just adrenaline rush; I'm happy to say that I made full recovery on my ridiculous Jambanophobia.

And do you wanna know what helps me the most with the recovery? It's sekolah asrama. Sekolah asrama's jamban(s) to be exact. When you know on the other side of the wall of the jamban is more jambans, not hutan paya semak belukar, you have one less thing to worry about.

And the ultimate reason for the recovery? The smell and sound of your friend doing the exact same thing you're doing.

Bye Jambanophobia, flushed, down the toilet.


b.i.n.t.a.n.g said…
haha.. the kk's jamban adalah sangat creepy okeh!!!




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