
Exam was over, and the holiday is now!!! Yayyyy!
But... not so much of yippee yay yay, because 10 hellish weeks of internship will be unleashed so very soon. Internship. Sigh. Indemnity (read damn) letter, log book, rumah sewa, work hard yadayadayada..what evs.
I'm just going to enjoy this 2 weeks gap, and never care about all those tiny minute puny unimportant internship. i think that's why it got so many names - latihan industri lah, practical lah, intern lah. konon bajet penting lah kot. ah membebel plak. neves lah tu nak LI.

Enough. enough of this nauseating LI thingy discussion. I'm going to tell you a story instead. A story of how one TV show POed me. You got excited already right? Right? Okay tak shut up naja.
So here it goes...

I got on a bus to go back to my lovely hometown with Mak. It was a work day so nobody can send us home by car. So we hop on the bus like at 11 a.m. from Shah Alam. And nerve wrecking i should say- the bus stopped at Pekeliling for an hour ++ Whatta??? Nak kutip passenger lah tu. Ish.

Luckily the bus got a TV, which was turned on.I dunno bout you,but I just don't get it- why some,no,many buses just leave the tube turned off. interior design probably? Blergh...
Lucky it was on, but malang too because it was Wanita Hari Ini. I know it's informative but...two women with mekap tebal sitting on the couch talking bout beauty products? plain boring. No offense WHI lovers out there. Dah lah dulu dia punye host Ifa Raziah. Ifa Raziah people. come on. Tak seswai. macam gossip show plak. Maybe nak minimize the boring-ness. it's not working Dato' Farid Ridzuan.

But since the view outside never change much since I was a kid, I miraculously watched the tv, the WHI. Bravo.

1st segment- they talk about eczema, a skin problem which one guy on the show said that it can be cured using goat's milk. Katanya dengan kuasa Tuhan insyaAllah boleh sembuh eczema dgn susu kambing. Ok. Ahli panel macam boleh pakai. macam alim. macam sunnah nabi je. LoveWHI-o-meter naik separuh.

2nd segment- they talk about madu tualang, how it is rare and very good for health. Tunjuk lah orang panjat pokok segala. Ok. macam ada kaitan dengan segmen 1st. Dalam quran kan kata madu boleh jadi penawar. Hmm...Ok. bagus gak WHI ni. LoveWHI-o-meter hampir penuh. Terbayang-bayang sungai madu, sungai susu kat syurga. Rasa macam alim habis lah aku. By now, the bus was already at uphill battle dgn bukit genting.

3rd segment- It's about some famous baju dalam anniversary. Siap dgn video runway kat KL. What? baju dalam?!! How can I relate that with segment 1 and 2. How on earth,or should I say how in Hell can I relate those three? Gladly, Mak already fast asleep. Or it's going to be awkwaaaaard. LoveWHI-o-meter jatuh exponentially. Ada plak tu runway show camtu kat Malaysia. Bakor kang. But how understanding our God is- the TV gone out of signal almost immediately. Maybe the reception was poor because of the terrain n hills, but still it's not a mere coincidence aight?hehe

Boo sama WHI.boring and porn. Ceh! Baik tgk Spongebob. at least Sandy the Squirrel tutup urat pakai astronaut outfit.

p/s: I really did enjoy the short holiday: Went to beaches 5 times already. Gahahaha


Anonymous said…
eh eh..kebetulan plak tertengok bnda yg sama...xdela minat sgt WHI ni, p sbb aritu sgt boring so lyn je la WHI ni..
really2 agree wif u..1st part bout susu kmbing then 2nd part madu tualang.."wah, informative gak WHI ni..pasni bley la slalu tgk"..
masuk je part 3.....huhuh...terus xde mood nk tgk WHI lg dah..xpatut..dahlah siap tnjuk model2 peragakn lg..pelik gak bley plak show mcm ni ade kat malaysia..huhuh..mcm2 dunia skang
Najakia said…
kan kana kan? ish3 tak patut betol...haha.




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