
Bukan aku mintak banyak. Just treat me more like human, please? Kadang-kadang terbatuk, tersedak, tersentak dengan perangai ragam manusia keliling. Ambil keputusan sampai menekan sendiri punya kawan. Tak sengaja aku terima, tapi sebelum tak sengaja cubalah letakkan diri dalam situasi orang lain. Put yourselves in others shoes.

Ini tidak, sengaja mencari pasal, cari hal. In the end, both parties rugi. Bukan baru duduk kat dunia ni. Dah boleh fikir baik buruk, kalau tak pada orang lain, fikir baik buruk pada diri. Betul aku buat silap jugak. But then, that's the purpose of telling this, right? Because one of us tak perasan dah menyusahkan orang. And I'm expecting the same teguran, how ever I hate it, you have the job to tell me- like what I'm doing now. You can say I'm kecoh, but this kind of thing; I just can't tolerate.

Back to the problem- I just don't know. Maybe you are super busy. Hell, I'm no superman too... If you want things done today, tell earlier than today. You got sooooo many ways to tell me. facebook, SMS, call me, email me....loads. So, I'm sorry for being prejudice. I've been so many times oppressed before- so it's only natural I reacted the way I reacted when I see those devilish smiles.

Just, please don't do this again.

ps: too many 'just' eh?


noin jamaludin said…
bawak mengucap naja..hehe
Najakia said…
aku naik saksi tiada tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,
dan nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah.
camtu ok? =D




Siapa Saya Sebenarnya