Anak Polis

Dear friend,
The ignorance and the silence
They never bug me no more
Because they are killing me
The look in the eyes
The unexplainable, uncomfortable gestures
Just a very much murderous reminder
That I’m not needed no more
I hate the roller-coaster so much now
Because I’d be damned if I drop low
After I’m at high

Dear friend, my dearest friend
You don’t need to worry about me anymore
Because you hearing me keeps bugging me,
of why you treat me good
When so many else don’t
I’m sorry if this hurting you
I never meant to

Dear friend,
Having you as my friend
Is one huge undeletable spot in my mind
One huge too in my heart
Maybe because we have so many fond moments together
Or having too many boring moments too, together
Or maybe of the twin thingy between us
You may wonder why I wrote this
But please,
If by any God’s-will chance that I’m dead after this
Don’t you ever tell Kosmo! that
I know that my time has come
Death’s painful enough without the cheesiness
Guess what? After rereading this out-of-the-blue post
I really felt it sounded completely gay
Thanks my friend
Thanks for making me one
Right before I die
Jeez.... sigh~~





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya