DAY 9: What Am I Doing?!

The New Dictionary of Modern Moslems Says...

Sin: Something we don't like when we think about having it, but love it when we we're doing it.

Taubat: An act of stopping doing something sinful, especially on bad days (exams,quizzes, getting sick etc.)

Solat: An act of worshipping Allah, usually once a week on Friday,but sometimes not at all.

Doa: A prayer which usually done in hesitance after solat, usually because of having things to do more important than doa itself.

Aurat: (1)Parts of the body which should only be covered when there's a need to (kelas agama,orang mati,nak menikah etc.)

(2) Parts of the body which should be covered,with what ever materials we think appropriate (tight clothes, sheer clothes, air)

(3) Parts of the body that should not be watch,or touched by non-mahram, yet can be watched in pornographic materials or touch when you are 'about' to be a mahram (boyfriends, girlfriends etc.)

Religion: A believe that should be, well, believed, not practiced.

Husband: A man who is legitimate to touch his wife after nikah, but also touched his wife before that.

Wife: A woman who is legitimate to touch her husband after nikah, but also touched her husband before that.

Love: (1)Something our hearts feel before nikah,but not after that because we have seen everything before nikah.

(2) Something our hearts feel for a long time after nikah, because we choose to save the best for the last (love after nikah)

Curse: Something good to say when at mad or not,because it makes you feel so much a macho men. It usually involves explicit body parts (refer to aurat). Curses are uttered when the definition of sin was not known or care.

Dating: please refer to the word 'mating' in any dictionaries.

Da'wah: Something really wrong to do and never should be done, with hikmah or not. It should only be done by a group of people called tabligh not moslems.

Maksiat: Something not really wrong to do, so it is okay to do it.

Hell: A really cool place to be in.

Heaven: (1) Pubs, discos etc.

(2) An unknown,unimaginably good place, but still cannot be any better than heaven (1)





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