I wrote and deleted for more than three times today. Guess God don’t give me much of ilham because I did terrible on the 4th – 8th day of mission. To say the least.

Right now, I don’t have the courage to write anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s more that I can’t. Right now i just want to take some time for myself,be alone for a while and muhasabah [ i did my muhasabah with my blog]

What happened during the five days? Lemme just say that I lost focus gradually- and today is the worst. Ever. Or just imagine me before,one with no mission. That’s my terrible five days.

Okay-lah. I don’t want to delete again. Salam. Next post will be tomorrow insha-Allah. I hope so.

P/S: It's hard if you fight it. Just...blend in.
“If she won’t leave your thoughts even when you try to keep her away, perhaps the answer lies in keeping her closer to your heart.”
-Remus Lupin-

Scene: Pesta Konvo dan 100Plus
Soundtrack: Losing Grip by Avril Lavigne





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya