Sundays start lazy and end up busy. After spending day lazily, you will realize how busy you are at night when you start to remember of all works and assignments, tests and quizzes that lie for another 5 days to come.
Day three was no exception. And I feel bad to say that, my Sunday didn’t start good. Going to change that though. You can’t lose your 40 days mission just because of a lousy devil and some sleep and dreams. Malam ni tidoq awai na?
Mission I set for day three is: to hear only good things. To say only good things. To do only good things.
It sounded like ABC or 123 or alif,ba,ta; but believe me, it was such a rocket sciences. Till now, I still cannot decipher the holy code of how can I avoid hearing, saying and doing bad things. And oh, i had try the “ choose your friends wisely”. What I’m saying now is the few cases that words slipped out of my mouth, or slipped into my ears. May God help me with this.
Or should I wear mask and earphone the next time? Hmmm... sounded radical but it may work. :-p

Kenapa aku berkata
Bila yang terpancar hanya hina
Kenapa aku mendengar
Bila yang kudengar hanya fitnah

Kuambil kedua tangan
Kututup cupingku kuat
Kuketap bibirku ketat
Kupejam mataku rapat

Lalu aku dengar cahaya

Scene: Meja, Kopi dan Sembang
Soundtrack: Sunday Morning by Maroon 5





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya