
Once upon a time, there was a varsity student named Gary who was not very bright even though he was a varsity student. In a country that Gary live in, it is not unusual for not very bright people to enter universities  as long as they are rich or willing to be in debt for the rest of their lives. But that fact didn't really matter because Gary was neither rich nor he's willing to be in debt. But the real reason it didn't really matter was because Gary didn't know why he even entered the university taking courses he deem to fail. But nevertheless, Gary was a varsity student.

So Gary's everyday routine is going to lectures five minutes late. Then, during lectures he cannot understand the lectures because he was five minutes late, so he doodled crazy doodles in his book. That's on a good day, because on a bad day he will forget to bring any books so he doodled crazy doodles on the desk, the kind that's attached to the the seat. After that, he will go out of the lectures five minutes early, telling the lecturers he is five minutes late for his next lecture which is too stupid a lie for the lecturers to believe, when in fact the lecturers don't really care about Gary nor his lie. 

It was very noble of the university to state that the campus is a no smoking zone. But that didn't stop Gary or anyone for that matter to smoke anyway. So, as soon as Gary got out of the lecture room, he will lit his cheap cigarette (because he cannot afford the pricey ones) and take a few puffs before throwing it to the ground while saying to himself that the cigarette tasted weird when actually the more accurate term was it tasted cheap. Upon feeling rebellious for smoking in no smoking zone, he will get on his bike without his helmet on because he thinks a helmet trapped carbon dioxide which is bad for the body and because he likes fresh air.

When I said that Gary was not very bright, you may have imagine that Gary didn't have many friends. But even you know that that's not true because in university, people befriend one another not because he is bright  or not. Well, not just that anyway. As a matter of fact Gary had a lot of friends, mostly because he knows how to crack funny jokes, although people who don't befriend him will find it hard to understand his jokes or why do his jokes supposed to be funny. All he did was doing weird gestures and faces that he copied from comedies he watched with his friends the night before. I suppose he is funny, but not originally funny.

Gary also have many friends because he is good in sport. He knows how to play soccer, tennis, wall-climbing, you name it. May I explain to you this country Gary lived in doesn't really appreciate people with sport-ability, so that's why Gary don't know why he entered the university and also why he will be in debt for the rest of his life. So if you imagine Gary is a sad, lonely man you have to alter it now with friends who find him funny and friends who find him athletic. But if you have a great imagination, you should probably have already figure out that a man that's funny, athletic and have a motorbike should had a girlfriend. He did, but not just one.

Gary had three girlfriends, and that's another reason why his friends befriended him. All his girlfriends were all very different but they had one thing in common: they love Gary for who he is. I know it sounds cliche but please, let me explain. The first girlfriend was Amy who love Gary because he is funny, the second one was Cat who love Gary because he is athletic and Denise, who love him because, you guessed it, because he has a motorbike. Although to me it was pretty obvious why these girls love him, but being Gary who was not very bright, he only knew who love him but never why.

It is very rude to assume that Gary lied to these girls when he said to them (personally,separately of course) that he love them very much. Gary did love them very much but not exclusively. Not telling is not lying, right? For instance, he never said things such as ' you are my only one' or ' I think about you all the time' or anything you can think of that can give a hint of exclusivity (because I run out of lovey-dovey words). What befuddled most people who heard about Gary's story was not how he managed three girlfriends at the same time, but how can the girls don't know about each other. I will tell you how.





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