
I think I have messed up my sleep cycle. It's usual for me to pass midnight without feeling sleepy, so I watched movies,watched TV or browse the net until 2 or 3 am. Only then will I go to bed.

And it's hard  when I go to bed.
Because when I say I go to bed, I really mean only that; go. There's always a half or an hour of tossing and turning before I can finally sleep. And I don't know where my sister bought this bed, but it really cannot handle my pre-sleeping actions. Okay that sounds a wee bit dirty. What I mean was, sometimes the bed will malfunctioned and I have to put it back together (this is a bit technical I'm not gonna bore you with details). It's just really didn't help with me trying to sleep.

And waking up is hard too.
I'm a natural early-riser. I was at least. But now I have to rely on alarm clock, which unfortunately means my cheap Nokia phone's alarm clock. If I put it too far from my head, or accidentally pushed it under my pillow while I'm battling monsters of Dreamland in my REM sleep (thank god I still have that), chances are the alarm sound will be too low to the point of the ceiling fan's white noise could cancel it out. I really need to curi my niece's Doraemon alarm clock.

And staying awake is equally hard too.
If I managed to wake up, there are only two possibilities. One, I will sleep again at 7 until 10-ish am. Or possibility number two, if I'm lucky, I will stay awake until 10 am and dozed off until noon-ish. And this house perfect timing for lunch really just like adding salt to the wound. More often than not, upon finishing the meal, I can feel the food take over my body, like the calories (this is a wrong use of word I think) creeping up to my eyelids, and forced them to closed down, down, down, down with my body on the couch.

Remember the entry 'Adele' where I wrote a fictional story in the form of a letter, that I posted several weeks ago? Well, the 'me' character wrote that he had trouble sleeping, and need to take pills. I started to think that I'm cursed by that. Mana tahu Adele bela hantu raya, sebab tu suara dia sedap, sebab tu aku tak boleh tidur. Okay karut sangat.

  Sleep cycle aku messed up gila. I have no control of when I'm awake or sleep. Help me

*this article was edited to make it a lil' bit easier to read. I had a sudden epiphany after reading a blog, that my minimalist aesthetics in writing is just, well, boring.





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya