Love's a Waiting Game

I’ve been waiting for you,

Too long that I warm the cold wood bench,

Where once scorching sun there’s now cold blue moon,

My, the rain was heavy my shirt all drenched.

Still I wait you there,

Thinking maybe you’re just two minutes away,

Imagining you popping out around that corner,

The corner we first met when we bumped each other.

I’m waiting you still,

Hands in pockets, reaching for the last cigarettes,

Watching people walking,talking, and making deals,

A glimpse of you please, so I have no regrets.

Yes I’m here for you,

What was after-rain mist now black car fumes,

Owh there you are,

You damn driver in my damn nice car.

[misi balas dendam post banyak-banyak after so long a time tak online. Hambik nih...]





Siapa Saya Sebenarnya